Update 2/25
Dear St. Mary:
God gives us wet weather in order to focus our attention on little things that need to get done before the main season. We will work on Monday evening. You may work independently on Saturday.
Seeding flats: We started seeding some flats with cool weather crops at Kiersten’s house. We have some more to do. Let me know if you want to be involved.
Get some “Pro Mix” from Knoxville Seed and Greenhouse in order to seed some more flats.
Chop the last of the cover crop (beds 2, 4, one area on the fence line—Walter is on this!)
Turn compost on the far end (Jason is on this!)
Season extension row cover experiment (Work on this Monday 2/28 as a group)
Seed some beets, brassicas, and lettuce under the row cover (Monday 2/28 as a group)
Chip/shred materials (Tom is on this!)
Till the outer garden (Chris and/or Tom are going to do this.)
We need help putting together a good first aid kit.
When the soil dries up a little: continue forking fence line beds and beds where the cover crop is chopped.
If you don’t want to get wet and muddy: You could bring an electric screwdriver and use the old screws to make convenient tool hooks in the shed.
Other things in the works: I am reading more about compost and trying to figure out how to best approach community composting in this garden. There are so many different ways to do it, so please share your ideas.
Last Monday we finished the trellis, planted peas, fixed the chipper/shredder, and started chopping the cover crops. I already saw one pea seed germinated this morning!
Please come by on Monday ~5PM to get involved. Feel free to leave a message on the contact form.
Here’s a picture of the garden from last Tuesday morning: The finished pea/bean trellis is on the left. A chopped cover crop bed is on the right. The cover crop in the middle will get cut soon.
Update for 2/18
If you want to work tomorrow, Saturday, 2/19. Here’s a list of things to do. We will work on Monday ~5PM.
Finish setting up a bean trellis in bed #2. (Requires at least two people)
Plant some peas in bed #2 (seeds are in the shed or bring your own)
Plant some cool weather crops in bed #5. (seeds are in the shed or bring your own)
Weed whack cover crops and fork those beds. (bring your own weed whacker and roll back drip line!)
Turn compost up front.
Set up new compost area. (I plan to bring mulch and leaves to help with the new compost area.)
Save these next items for Monday because they require some cooperative thought and problems solving:
Set up some row cover in bed #5.
Finish chipping Fall debris.
This is bed #5 that was weeded and forked. It might be ready to plant with cool weather crops: beets, carrots, lettuce, kale, collards, cabbage. Feel free to try things out, but be sure to label what you planted.
This is the unfinished trellis is bed #2. This bed was weeded. The areas under the trellis are forked. The forked areas would be good for peas.