Spicy news!
Next work day: Monday, 6PM. We will harvest, weed, and spread cardboard. We are getting ready to sow the over-winter cover crop. I’ll share more news about our cover crop plan next week. Please bring cardboard if you happen to have any or if you know where to find some.
We had an excellent crew show up on Monday evening. Please come out and help even for a little while. The weather is perfect!
Our Fall Meeting is set for 9/24, 1-3PM at Tom’s House: Please check email for more information about the location. Please contact me if you have anything else to add to the agenda. Here’s a link to the agenda in progress.
We have one chili pepper plant that delivered these red hot chili peppers to the pantry. That’s the spicy news for this week!
Peppers finally surpassed the Spring lettuce in approximate value.
This week we harvested and delivered $200 worth of butternut, peppers, green beans, and okra.
Butternut squash will increase every week until the Isidore and Maria garden runs out. Then we will have some sweet potatoes from the St. Mary’s garden and the Isidore and Maria garden. Fall greens will start up in a few weeks at the St. Mary’s garden.
In other pepper news, we are just 20 pounds away from breaking the pepper record that we set in 2021.
The above chart represents total pounds of peppers harvested each week in 2021 and 2022 (so far).
We owe gratitude to St. Mary’s Church and School for allowing the garden to store our harvest in the church coolers. I hope that we are not being too much of an imposition. This is what our red bins look like in the cooler. They stay stored cold until we can deliver the harvest to the pantry on Wednesday morning.